Telecommunication Technology (94)

2022 Regulation BookList

1st Semester

Subject CodeSubject Name
21011Engineering Drawing
25911Mathematics -I
25912Physics -I
26711Basic Electricity
29411Basics of Telecommunication

2nd Semester

Subject CodeSubject Name
25721Bangla -II
25811Social Science
25812Physical Education & Life Skills Development
26721Electrical Circuits-I
26811Basic Electronics

3rd Semester

Subject CodeSubject Name
26611Computer Office Application
26731Electrical Circuits-II
26821Electronic Devices and Circuits
29431Telecom Workshop and Outside Plant

4th Semester

Subject CodeSubject Name
26667Progamming in C
26741Electrical Installation,Planning and Estimating
26845Digital Electronics
29441Radio and TV Engineering
29442IT Support and IoT Basics
29443Data Communications and Networking

5th Semester

Subject CodeSubject Name
25851Principles of Marketing
25852Industrial Management
26742DC Machine
26751Generation of Electrical Power
26752Electrical & Electronic Measurements-I
26853Microprocessor & Microcontroller
29451Multimedia and Webpage Design

6th Semester

Subject CodeSubject Name
26761AC Machine-I
26763Electrical & Electronic Measurements-II
26764Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power
29041Environmental Studies
29462Wireless and Mobile Communication
29463Signals and Switching System

7th Semester

Subject CodeSubject Name
25831Business Communication
25853Innovation & Entrepreneurship
26771AC Machine-II
26773Switch Gear and Protection
29471Microwave Engineering and Antennas
29472Optical Fiber Communication
29473Satellite Communication and RADAR

8th Semester

Subject CodeSubject Name
26781Industrial Attachement & Project Presentation